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Prof. Dr. Atilla Halil Elhan

Board Member

Dr. Atilla Halil Elhan graduated from the Department of Statistics at Middle East Technical University in 1994. He then completed the Master's and Doctorate programs in Biostatistics at Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1997 and 2002, respectively. He received a TÜBİTAK NATO-A2 scholarship and studied as a visiting student at MESA Psychometric Laboratory, University of Chicago, for six months in April 2001 to complete his doctoral thesis. He received the title of Assistant Professor in 2003, Associate Professor in 2006, and Professor in 2011. He served as deputy chief at Ankara University Medical Faculty Hospitals between 2012 and 2022. Dr. Atilla Halil Elhan is a biostatistician and researcher who has published more than 250 scientific research articles, with 190 of them included in the SCI/SCI-Expanded index and has participated in over 30 international and national research projects. According to ISI Web of Science, he has received more than 4400 citations, and his h-index is 36. According to Google Scholar, he has an h-index of 53. He was a long-term member of the board of directors of the Biostatistics Association and also participated in the Revolving Fund Working Group at the Council of Higher Education.

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