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Image by Scott Graham

DataVerse Scientific Solutions

DataVerse provides training and consultancy services on the following subjects with its staff consisting of academics with more than twenty-five years of experience and knowledge.

Our courses

Applied Basic Biostatistics Course

This course aims to provide the participants with the knowledge and skills to think critically and make their analyses with appropriate hypothesis tests while reading the literature.


Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Course

This course aims to provide the participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to review and meta-analyze systematically.



Modern Test Theory, Rasch Analysis and Computer Adapted Testing Course in Scale Development

This course aims to provide the participants with the necessary knowledge and skills in scale development and adaptation of the existing scale.


Planning, Conducting and Reporting the Results of Clinical Trials Course

With this course, it is aimed to develop knowledge and skills in planning clinical research, formulating research questions and hypotheses, selecting research methods, critical evaluation of the literature, writing research projects.

Timeliness and Reliability

Our experts try to offer you the most up-to-date and reliable academic methods by following the latest developments in their fields.

Contact us

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